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AAXT is configured out of the box to use best-practice caching to reduce resource requirements for serving up your pages.

Browser caching

A browser_cache_middleware inserts a unique ETag to each response to allow the browser to recognise and cache responses locally. By default we set the max-cache age to 5 minutes, you can set it to whatever makes sense for your application.

We include the Vary header so that the cache can distinguish between a request that returns the entire page vs fragments.

Server caching

AAXT uses BentoCache to cache responses once they have been generated. The cache is an Adonis provider located in /app/providers/cache_provider.ts.

Server caching of edge templates is done on a hash of the request URL + any HTMX requested targets. This has the advantage of quicker response times but at the expense of caching more duplicate data (the whole page, plus the fragments). If storage is a concern you can remove the server_cache_middleware from kernel.ts and instead just cache the whole page output by editing htmx_middleware.ts to retrieve the page from cache.


You can further configure the cache using BentoCache options in the config/cache.ts file. AAXT comes preconfigured with a simple default in-memory cache, but you can easily configure a more advanced caching mechanism. Refer to the BentoCache docs for more details.